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Bracelet for Men's potency sex performance improve self-confidence chakra gem


Bracelet for Men's potency sex performance improve self-confidence chakra gem
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Healing Bracelet for Men's potency and 
 improve self-confidence and sex performance.   
Men's bracelet for male potency and improve  
self-confidence and sex performance Male impotence, 
also known as erectile dysfunction, is the inability to  
sexual intercourse, according to the Male potency is  
usually easily remedied through the use of medication. 
For people who are uncomfortable with the side 
effects  of pharmaceuticals and want to try to treat
 naturally  before resorting to them, 
fortunately there are  natural ways to increase male potency 
QUARTZ-  The master healer. Stimulates the immune  
gives the body extra strength system and brings the body 
into balance Clear Quartz attunes itself to your specific  
energy requirements, thereby enhancing your chances  
of success. Unblocks and regulates energy.  
Harmonizes the chakras.   
HEMATITE - Help find your own gifts and to release  
self-imposed limitations. It give you balance and  
equilibrium when having difficulty focusing energies.  
It strengthen one's self-confidence.  The best strength to dne's physical capabilities !
 lots of power !   
TIGER EYE - The best for concentrating better. Helps with difficult and stressful situations. Also good for decision making, courage, balance  and personal empowerment . 
Bracelet Size: 7.5
20 stones, 8 mm each
These bracelets are made from genuine gemstones.
Each bracelet was created for a particular physical,
Emotional or spiritual need.

The variation of gemstones and their colors create
Harmonious vibrations that enhance the stones' powers.
 Please Note: This item is not to be construed as a
recommendation of medical treatment or medication.
Sending wellness out to the world
Peace and blessings,

Price: $  38.00 

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